Monday, October 24, 2016

SPOOKY: The Black Cat

Fact 1: In Western history, black cats are said to be a symbol of evil omens, specifically being suspected of being the familiars of witches, and so most of Europe considers the black cat a symbol of bad luck, especially if one crosses paths with a person, which is believed to be an omen of misfortune and death.
Fact 2: Black Cat Day is on October 27, and it  celebrates the virtues of black cats and to encourages people to adopt them.
Fact 3: Most Black Cats are very sweet and loving.


Monday, October 17, 2016

The Javanese Cat

Fact 1: The Javanese cat loves attention at all times, if it does not have your attention it will pout and and pine.
Fact 2: This cat has a long, silky coat in a variety of colors.
Fact 3: This cat has a number of genetic defects it can get which include deafness, joint issues, early-onset arthritis, hip displacement and cross-eye.

Monday, October 10, 2016

The Toyger Cat

Fact 1: The Toyger cat's creator, Judy Sugden, has said that the cat was developed in order to help make people care about the conservation of tigers in the wild
Fact 2: This friendly and playful cat likes people and other pets, and is active enough to learn tricks.
Fact 3: This cats name come from the fact the cat looked like a toy tiger or Toyger.

Friday, October 7, 2016

What Happened?

I haven't been posting in a while due to the fact I have been busy with school and the fact that I've been on vacation and had no internet.  I am now back and will now post at least once a week.

Anniversary Post: Blaze The Cat

Fact 1: Blaze is an anthropomorphic cat and a princess hailing from an alternate dimension, where she is the regent of her world and the guardian of the Sol Emeralds.
Fact 2: Blaze was born with the ability to control fire, an ability she possessed so one day she could become the guardian of the Sol Emeralds.
Fact 3: When Blaze was a child she was not able to control her powers this made most of the kids laugh at her,because of this she wore a cape and mostly lived in solitude.

Friday, May 20, 2016

May20: The LaPerm Cat

Fact 1: When a brown tabby barn cat named Speedy produced a litter of kittens in The Dalles, Oregon, in 1982, one of them was bald, with tabby markings on it's skin, and big ears that were spaced wide apart. When it's coat began to develop, it looked even more different: it was curly and that was the name it was given.
Fact 2: The clever LaPerm cat has a sense of humor. Often described as clownish, it is something of a mischief-maker who makes talented use of its paws to open doors, swipe things it wants or tap you on the shoulder for attention.
Fact 3: Some LaPerm cats have a wavy coat, some have tight ringlets, and still others have long corkscrew curls.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

May18: The Siberian Cat

Fact 1:  The Siberian cat, a glamorous native cat from the taiga of Siberia, a forested area with a subarctic climate that no doubt contributed to this cat’s long, thick, protective coat.
Fact 2: The Siberian cat's heart is as warm. It loves people and wants to be near them, so expect it to follow you around, including to the bathroom, and to “help” you with all of your reading, TV viewing, computer work and meal prep.
Fact 3: The Siberian cat matures slowly, sometimes not reaching its full physical development until it is 5 years old.

Monday, May 16, 2016

May16: The Tonkinese Cat

Fact 1: The Tonkinese is the love child of the Siamese cat and Burmese cat.
Fact 2: The Tonkinese is friendly, active and loving. If you think of cats as being aloof and independent, it’s only because you haven’t yet met a Tonkinese cat.It demands attention and affection and won’t rest until it gets it.
Fact 3: When you look at a Tonkinese, you see a cat with a muscular, medium-size body that is heavier than it looks. It's head is a modified wedge shape, slightly longer than it is wide.

Friday, May 13, 2016

May13: The Egyptian Mau Cat

Fact 1: The Egyptian Mau cats' faces have characteristic tabby markings in the shape of a "M" on their foreheads.
Fact 2: The Egyptian Mau cats are known for their distinctive coats, which are either silver, bronze, black or smoke in coloring. The pattern of random spots is a signature trait of the breed.
Fact 3: The Egyptian Mau cats like to sit up high and survey their surroundings. They usually act as if they are in complete control of their environment. They are extremely strong and very active but they have a very balanced temperament.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May11: The Turkish Angora Cat

Fact 1: The Angora is a graceful, medium-sized cat with a long body, slender legs, a long, bushy tail, large ears and eyes, delicate facial features with a long snout, and a slender chest.
Fact 2: It wasn't until the late 1960s that the Cat Fanciers Association recognized Turkish Angoras. 
Fact 3: The Turkish Angora is sweet but may become upset with sudden changes to its environment. This cat is quiet despite its semi-feral ancestry.

Monday, May 9, 2016

May9: The Birman Cat

Fact 1: The Birman cat originated in Burma.
Fact 2: The Birman cat cat prefers to be with their humans, or other animals in the home, often following them around when they are near.
Fact 3: The Birman cat arrived in the U.S. in 1959 and was registered with the Cat Fanciers Association in 1967.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Anniversary Post: Gatomon

Fact 1: Gatomon has a very healthy curiosity, so it loves pranks.
Fact 2: Gatomon evolves into Angewomon using the  Crest of Light, Nefertimon with the Digi-Egg of Light, Butterflymon with the Digi-Egg of Knowledge, and Tylomon with the Digi-Egg of Reliability.
Fact 3: Gatomon is a precious Holy-species Digimon, and its appearance does not match the true strength it possesses.

Friday, May 6, 2016

May6: The Ocicat Cat

Fact 1: In 1964, a breeder crossed a Siamese with resulted in a group of ivory coated, beautifully spotted kittens. These were dubbed the Ocicat.
Fact 2: The Ocicat is devoted and playful, with a strong desire to be near others, even following their human family members from room to room.
Fact 3: The Ocicat’s body is covered with large, thumb-shaped spots arranged in a classic bulls-eye pattern.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May4: The Abyssinian Cat

Fact 1: .This breed is thought to be one of the oldest, dating back thousands of years. Ancient Egyptians' sculptures and murals bear a striking resemblance to the Abyssinian, so many think that is where the Abyssinian originated.
Fact 2: The Abyssinian is a breed that likes to move. They are very playful, curious cats. They are constantly in motion, running from window to window while watching birds, or jumping on top of the refrigerator to watch dinner preparation.
Fact 3: The active and social Abyssinian is a perfect choice for families with children and cat-friendly dogs. It will play fetch as well as any retriever, learns tricks easily and loves the attention he receives from children who treat him politely and with respect.

Monday, May 2, 2016

May2: The Savannah Cat

Fact 1: The Savannah was developed after a domestic cat crossed with a serval — a medium-size African wild cat — gave birth to a kitten on April 7, 1986.
Fact 2: The Savannah is an active, adventurous feline who enjoys life in the fast lane. It's athletic body allows hit to jump to very high places, and it questing spirit leads it to take well to walks on leash, seek out water to play in, and thoroughly explore it's surroundings.
Fact 3: The Savannah has a long body with long legs, but it's about the same size as any other large domestic cat.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The One Month Anniversary

The one month anniversary is coming soon and I have decided for anniversaries I will do facts about fake/cartoon cats! Hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoy it!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Apr29: The Russian Blue Cat

Fact 1: The color of their coat is actually a blueish gray tone. It grows short and thick in two layers, also known as a “double coat”
Fact 2: The Russian Blue made his first appearance on the world stage of the cat fancy at an exhibit of cats held at London’s Crystal Palace in 1875. Labeled an Archangel Cat, because he was said to be from the Russian island of Archangel.
Fact 3: The Russian Blue has a reputation as a gentle, quiet cat, somewhat shy, but don’t get the wrong idea. This cat may have a reserved nature, but he loves to play and enjoys jumping or climbing to high places where he can study people and situations at his leisure before making up his mind about whether he wants to get involved.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Apr27: The Ragdoll Cat

Fact 1: The Ragdoll cat was first developed by breeder Ann Baker in Riverside, California, in the 1960s.
Fact 2: Ragdolls are known for their striking blue eyes. However, not all Ragdolls have them. Some Ragdolls have blue-green or gold eyes, depending on their pattern.
Fact 3: There are many myths surrounding Ragdolls, although most of them are thought to have been started by their creator Ann Baker. Among them, Ragdolls are said to be fearless, impervious to pain, alien hybrids, and products of genetic modification.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Apr25: The Persian Cat

Fact 1: Persians have many different color variations. There are more than 80 different fur colors that occur.
Fact 2: This is a calm, quiet breed that won't destroy your possessions. It doesn't need constant attention and is perfectly content to curl up on a chair and doze while you are gone.
Fact 3: Persians tend to be a bit shy and this breed does not do well with loud noises or lots of disruption in the home.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Apr18: The American Bobtail Cat

Fact 1: Known as a relatively new cat breed, the American Bobtail is constantly in demand in the cat world for it’s warm personality, strong loyalty, and lovable nature.
Fact 2: The American Bobtail is an uncommon breed of domestic cat which was developed in the late 1960s.
Fact 3: American Bobtails require two to three years to develop, slower than many domestic cat breeds.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Apr17: The Devon Rex Cat

Fact 1: The Devon Rex breed originated in Devon, England, in 1960.
Fact 2: The fur of a Devon Rex is soft, short and curly. It's also not uncommon for the breed to have bare patches in its coat.
Fact 3: The Devon Rex can weigh 5 to 10 pounds.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Apr14: The Ocelot Cat

Fact 3: Ocelots are solitary and territorial. The females defend their exclusive territory, which can be as much as 9 sq. miles, while the male’s territory is larger and overlaps that of 1 or more females (can be as large as 35 sq. miles). 
Fact 1: Ocelots' fine fur has made them the target of countless hunters, and in many areas they are quite rare, including Texas, where they are endangered. Ocelots are protected in the United States and most other countries where they live.
Fact 2: Ocelots are strongly nocturnal, resting in trees or dense brush during the day. Ocelots are very active, traveling from one to five miles per night.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Apr13: The American Shorthair Cat

Fact 2: The American Shorthair weighs 7 to 12 pounds.
Fact 3: The American Shorthair is considered to be the shorthaired cat that is native to the United States. However, this breed was bred out of cats that probably originated in Europe. They were brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats.

Fact 1: In 1906, the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) officially recognized the American shorthair (then called the Domestic shorthair) as one of its first five registered breeds. Pictured are some early examples of American shorthair show cats

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Apr12: The Siamese Cat

Fact 1: The Siamese Cat name means 'moon diamond'.
Fact 2: Originally from Thailand (formally Siam), the blue-eyed kitties were treasured members of the royal family, and images of the regal cat have been found in ancient manuscripts dating as far back at 1350.
Fact 3: Queen Elizabeth II was given a seal point kitten as a wedding present to celebrate her marriage to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Apr11: The Selkirk Rex Cat

Fact 1: These cats developed their curls through a natural genetic mutation.
Fact 2: A life expectancy of around 14 years is usual.
Fact 3: The Selkirk Rex is a very affectionate breed and is often described as being patiently tolerant, making it ideal as a family pet with children. It has a very laid-back nature and is happy to sit on a lap, being as cuddly as it looks, and yet it is still very playful and inquisitive, enjoying playing with toys well into adulthood.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Apr10: The Scottish Fold Cat

Fact 1: Even though this breed hails from a European country, it doesn't officially exist in the eyes of the European Cat Fanciers' Association.
Fact 2: All Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears. After about 3-4 weeks, the cat’s ears either fold or don’t fold. So, yes, some of these cats will end up having straight ears!
Fact 3: This is a smart, moderately active cat. The Scottish Fold enjoys teaser toys that test his agility and puzzle toys that challenge his intelligence. His favorite activity is anything that involves human interaction.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Apr9: The Elf Cat

Fact 1: The elf cat  is a hybrid of two well known cat breeds, the Sphynx Cat and the American Curl. 
Fact 2: The fact that elf cats get on rather well with almost any other type of cat makes them a growing favorite amongst many cat owners while their loyalty and affection are at higher levels than most cats.
Fact 3: The elf cat should ideally be groomed on a weekly basis in order to maintain the cleanliness of the coat.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Apr8: The Norwegian Forest Cat

Fact 1: King Olaf V of Norway designated the Norwegian Forest cat the country’s national cat.
Fact 2: Typical male Norwegian Forest cats can range anywhere from 13 to 22 pounds.

Fact 3: The Norwegian Forest Cats have sturdier claws than most breeds, allowing them to achieve impressive climbing feats.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Apr7: The Sphynx Cat

Fact 1: A Sphynx may look hairless at first glance, but their bodies are actually covered with a thin layer of down that resembles peach fuzz.
Fact 2 : Despite such an ancient rooted name, the Sphynx originated in Canada in 1966 as the result of a mutant gene that produced the first ever hairless kitten.
Fact 3 : With a body that runs at a higher temperature, this breed requires almost 2 to 2.5 times more food than any other breed to keep their body heat up.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Welcome to My Blog!

     This blog will be about about the different breeds of cats. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I will post an image of a cat with the type of cat it is and some cool facts about that cat breed. I will start this blog on the 7th of April 2016. If you have any recommendations for me or just wish to give me feedback you can contact me at